thousands of books being published Daily

We believe that every story deserves to be shared with the world. We are here to help you share yours.

Book Publishing

here are thousands of books being published every day, but only a few make the grade. Have you ever wondered why? The answer is simple. They lack the publishing services required to give their book the reach and engagement to make it a huge success.

Ghostwriting Assistance provides top-tier book publishing services to publish your books on leading platforms locally and internationally. Moreover, we create effective strategies and campaigns to ensure your book gets traction and attention through various conventional and modern channels.

So, feel free to get in touch with our book publishing team, who will devote their time and energy to make your book a success!

We Provide a Diverse Range of Book Publishing Services

In the realm of book publishing, the process serves as the essential link between authors and readers, facilitating the production and distribution of literary works. Publishers oversee every aspect, from editing to printing, ensuring the book's quality and availability. Effective publishing isn't just about production; it's about delivering compelling content that resonates with audiences and leaves a lasting impact on the literary landscape.


Print on demand is a printing technology and business process in which book copies are not printed until the company receives an order, allowing prints of single or small quantities. Print on demand allows you to print books as they're ordered, reduces your financial risk, and allows you to easily make updates to existing titles. You never have to worry about running out of stock, and don't have to compromise quality. Print-on-demand can be easily scalable.

E-Book Conversion

In order to sell your book as an eBook, you must first convert your document to a format that can be read by eReaders. There are currently two main formats in use in the industry: ePub, which works with almost every eReader, and .mobi, which is used by Amazon's Kindle. E-book conversion enables adaptability, accessibility, and better searchability.

E-book conversion also allows for greater traceability, improved analytics, more secure content, and your book is available in rich media formats.


Self-publishing is the act of publishing media, especially a creative work of art, as the author or artist, without the use of a publishing house or company. An author that publishes a book on their own typically has complete creative control, higher book royalty rates, and full autonomy over the publishing process.

With self-publishing, it is easier to make changes if something isn’t working well.

ISBN Acquisition

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a national and international standard identification number for uniquely identifying books, i.e., publications that are not intended to continue indefinitely. Having an ISBN improves the likelihood your book will be found and purchased because, by having an ISBN, your book is included in databases that booksellers and libraries use to find books, links to essential information about your book, and enables more efficient marketing and distribution of your title.

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We Write, You Win. Fast Track Your Bestseller Success.

Ghostwriting Assistance services incorporate everything you will be required to transform your unique ideas into a skillfully drafted and published book, while also offering expert advice from our industry professionals.

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